Oftentimes in the social media world, especially when it comes to tech developments or new launches, we tend to act first and think later. To help provide an alternative perspective, we thought it would be interesting to look at any significant launches a couple weeks after the news broke.
In this blog post, we look at 2 recent developments from 2 key social media platforms—and what those changes mean for marketers.
Instagram’s Impending Algorithm
You may have seen this type of message come through your newsfeed. It's probably not the best answer to the impending Instagram algorithm.
WHAT: Instagram announced that it’s changing its newsfeed from chronological (or is that reverse chronological) to a one controlled by an algorithm, similar to Facebook, its parent company. Basically, Instagram will show you more of the content it thinks you’ll find interesting.
WHY: $$$ (also: engagement, relevant content, etc.—per Instagram, users miss an average of 70% of their feeds)
WHEN: Not confirmed. They are testing will a small number of users and will release it to all ya’ll soon.
OK, SO WHAT: You are probably already doing this, but now it’s time to get serious. At any given moment you should know your Instagram community inside-out. Meaning you should be able to articulate things like:
What types of content your followers like
What types of content they don’t like
How your “voice” on social keeps them engaged
Who your top/most engaged followers are
The best time to post
The best filters to use
And so on, because you’ll want to ensure all of the above is informing whatever content you create. Easy enough, right?
Also: Budget some $$$ for boosted Insta posts coming soon.
Learn more on the Instagram blog.
Snapchat Launches Chat 2.0
WHAT: Snapchat announced more robust features to its chat platform, including stickers, audio memos and video chatting. No longer limited to lo-fi texting and image/video sharing, Snapchat wants to go head-to-head with Facebook Messenger, iCloud Messaging et al.
WHY: Snapchat is hot right now. Very hot. And it wants to expand its offering for its teen- and millennial-heavy user base and increase in-app engagement beyond Stories and one-on-one snaps
WHEN: Now live. Have you tried it out? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
OK, SO WHAT: This is part of a trend for “basic” apps to expand their scope to not only remain competitive, but improve on features previously introduced by a competitive network.
Learn more on the Snapchat blog.
Have your own tips, or questions or ideas for future posts? Leave a comment below or give us a shoutout on social (we're @agencyguacamole).
-Bilal // Team AG